ALMA workshop
The blind search for hidden galaxies
in an abundant line of sight
- 1st workshop -
11-12th Mar. 2020 @ Mitaka, Tokyo
ALMA workshop
The blind search for hidden galaxies
in an abundant line of sight
- 1st workshop -
11-12th Mar. 2020 @ Mitaka, Tokyo
By considering the risk of the coronavirus infection, we decided to have a remote meeting instead of the face-to-face meeting. The registered participants will receive a link of the remote meeting.
deadlines; 2/11 (travel support), 2/26 (oral presentation), 3/10 (no presentation)
This workshop is supported by NAOJ (ALMA workshop grant) and no registration fee.
02/01: Registration opened!
02/04: The first announcement [tennet: 18410]
02/10: The second announcement [tennet: 18434]
The workshop is done! Thank you very much!!
This Workshop
11th (Wed.) - 12th (Thur.) March 2020
@ remote meeting
Purpose of this workshop:
Recent sensitive ALMA observations have revealed that a substantial fraction of galaxies which are bright in submm emission are often dark in optical images, making it exceedingly difficult to detect optical emission lines and obtain an unambiguous redshift. This can have broad consequences since the uncertainties in redshift can severely hamper our ability to efficiently conduct surveys which will ultimately connect various scientific fields, for example, blind galaxy/cluster searches, starburst-AGN-QSO connection, deep line surveys towards the lensed QSO, spatial variation of the CGM, reproducibility in cosmological simulations. The scope of this workshop is to review the recent progress in understanding the nature of optically-dark submm galaxy population and discuss possible science cases and strategies for the next call for proposals, including ALMA Cy-8. Other highly related and complementary topics will be covered in the workshop as well.
Goals of the workshop:
(i) summarise ancillary data of Cloverleaf, including astrochemical conditions, chemical evolution and gas excitation;
(ii) review of the redshift identification of DV;
(iii) understand the evolution of AGN at their transit phase in the early Universe, and explore the science cases;
(iv) design future observations (another target and DV) including follow-up observation of the blind detection.
This workshop is motivated by a blind detection of a strong millimetre line emitter, 5” from Cloverleaf (a well-known quadruply-lensed QSO at z = 2.55), which has been dubbed “Darth Vader” (DV). Deep HST images in the JHK filters show no detections (>27.2 mag.), whereas Chandra detects intense hard X-rays, possibly indicating an AGN in a transit stage from a starburst to a QSO. The possibility of associations with the 36 known HI/metal absorption systems and ~20 galaxies around the Cloverleaf has been already excluded. Recent ALMA Cy-7 observations finally determined its redshift (Hayatsu et al. in prep.). We have also found another blind detection close to Cloverleaf, but at an unknown redshift.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!Organizers
Natsuki H. Hayatsu (chief), Zhi-Yu Zhang, Rob Ivison, Kotaro Kohno, Yuri Nishimura, Chao-Wei Tsai, Chentao Yang, Katsuya Okoshi, Ping Zhou, Nobunari Kashikawa, Yuichi Matsuda (LOC), Ikki Mitsuhashi (LOC)
Code of Conduct
The organizers strongly oppose any discrimination or harassment based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, language, religion, political or other opinions, physical appearance, disability, or age. If you experience, see, or hear any speech or acts violating our policy above, do not hesitate to let us know.
(tentative, start/end time may be revised.)
The timezone is Japanese Standard Time.
11th (Wed) 09:00-
Overview / Gas Information
09:00 1st day opening remarks
09:10 overview I:
Natsuki H. Hayatsu (The University of Tokyo),
" What is Darth Vader: the story and background" (45+15)
10:10 overview II:
Zhi-Yu Zhang (Nanjing University),
"What we know about Darth Vader:
Synergy of on-going projects, ancillary data,
and future plans" (45+15)
12th (Thu) 09:00-
Lensed Galaxy
09:00 2nd day opening remarks
09:10 Yuri Nishimura (The University of Tokyo/NAOJ)/Takuro Odagawa (Joetsu Univ. of Education),
"ALMA rest-frame 0.8 mm-band line survey
in the Cloverleaf" (45+15)
10:10 Tom Bakx (Nagoya University),
"The unseen heroes: Finding the foreground lenses in front of sub-mm galaxies in VIKING" (15+5)
11th (Wed) 15:30-
AGN and QSO connection / Optical Dark Galaxy
15:30 Chao-Wei Tsai (NAOC),
"Hot DOGs - hyperluminous infrared galaxies
dropped out at near-IR wavelengths" (45+15)
16:30 Ping Zhou (University of Amsterdam),
"X-ray analysis of the extreme galaxy 'Darth Vader'" (15+5)
16:50 Tao Wang (NAOJ/The University of Tokyo)
"On the Nature of optically dark galaxies revealed by ALMA" (30+10)
12th (Thu) 15:30-
Cosmology and Simulation/
Foreground absorption system
15:30 Masamune Oguri (The University of Tokyo/RESCEU),
"Science with gravitationally lensed quasars" (45+15)
16:30 Hidenobu Yajima (University of Tsukuba)
"Formation of dusty starburst galaxies in cosmological simulations with radiative transfer" (45+15)
17:30 Katsuya Okoshi (Tokyo University of Science),
"Absorption Systems in Lines of Sight toward Cloverleaf" (30+10)
11th (Wed) 18:10- discussion
18:10 group photos (with a screenshot!)
free discussion
(~19:00 End of the 1st day)
12th (Thu) 18:10-
high-z proto cluster / discussion
18:10 Minju Lee (MPE),
"Galaxy evolution in clusters and their progenitors" (45+15)
19:10 Ikki Mitsuhashi (NAOJ/The University of Tokyo)
"Discovery of a filament-like structure by line search for SMG" (15+5)
free discussion and ending remarks(~20:00 end of the 2nd day)
Andrea Silva (NAOJ)
Andreani Paola (ESO)
Bunyo Hatsukade (University of Tokyo)
Chao-Wei Tsai (NAOC)
Chentao Yang (ESO Chile)
Daichi Tsuna (RESCEU, University of Tokyo)
Hidenobu Yajima (University of Tsukuba)
Hideki Umehata (RIKEN)
Ikki Mitsuhashi (The University of Tokyo)
Israel Matute (Institute of Astrophysics & Space Sciences / FCUL - Portugal)
Kana Moriwaki (the University of Tokyo)
Katsuya Okoshi (Tokyo University of Science)
Kazuhiro Shimasaku(The University of Tokyo)
Koichiro Nakanishi (NAOJ)
Kotaro Kohno (The University of Tokyo)
Natsuki H. Hayatsu (The University of Tokyo)
Marat Musin (National Astronomical
Observatories of China, CAS)
Masamune Oguri (The University of Tokyo)
Masayuki Yamaguchi (U.Tokyo/NAOJ)
Minju Lee (MPE)
Ping Zhou (University of Amsterdam)
Rob Ivison (ESO)
Shotaro Kikuchihara (the University of Tokyo)
Takuro Odagawa (Joetsu Univ. of Education)
Tao Wang (The University of Tokyo)
Tom Bakx (Nagoya University)
Tomoka Tosaki (Joetsu Univ. of Education)
Tomoko Suzuki (Tohoku University/NAOJ)
Xiaoyang Chen (Tohoku University)
Yongming Liang (SOKENDAI/NAOJ)
Yoshiki Toba (Kyoto University)
Yulong Gao(the University of Tokyo)
Yuri Nishimura (The Univ. of Tokyo/NAOJ)
Zhiyu Zhang (Nanjing University)
© 2019